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What You Need To Know About Period Delay Tablets

Whenever the holiday season looms close, many individuals and families eagerly plan their yearly getaways. Destinations are picked, travel plans are made, supplies are gathered, and schedules are cleared. However, one thing that can seem unplannable is periods.

Although people attempt to plan special events around their monthly flow, this is often impossible for some. Whether it’s because your period is irregular or if it just happens to fall on that special event, it can be very frustrating.

However, those finding themselves facing this issue can take heart: it is possible to delay your period.

Two methods to delay your period are hormonal contraception and period delay tablets. Both options have their benefits and side effects, which will be described below.

Hormonal Contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives are a fantastic choice to not only halt your period but also protect you from the risk of pregnancy. However, it is important to note that contraceptives are not guaranteed to stop a period quickly.

The combined contraceptive pill—an oral prescription containing estrogen and progestin—can sometimes stop a period after prolonged use. However, light bleeding, or spotting, is still possible early on in the use of this pill.

Another option is the mini pill, which is a progestin-only contraceptive. As with the combined pill, bleeding typically ceases with prolonged use. Those new to the pill will most likely continue to experience light bleeding during their monthly flow.

Hormonal coils, or IUDs, are more likely than oral contraceptives to halt a period. Some people receiving the implant report reduced bleeding, while others may not experience periods at all with this option. However, interested parties should be aware that it may be a few months before a period is affected.

The contraceptive injection is another choice to consider, as half of the users report no periods while receiving this. Others attest to a lighter flow.

The contraceptive implant is another consideration. A third of users confirmed that their periods stopped while having the implant. However, this is said to only occur after about a year. Others reported lighter periods, instead.

All forms of hormonal contraceptives require a prescription or insertion from your doctor.

Period Delay Tablets

Taking period delay tablets like Norethisterone or Utovlan are effective ways to halt your period. Unlike contraceptives, this option is for short-term use and does not protect you from the risk of pregnancy.

Although these are both prescription-only drugs, it’s possible to receive them without a visit to your doctor. Those interested can fill out an online consultation form and purchase period delay tablets as soon as possible.

How Do Period Delay Tablets Work?

Period delay tablets use an artificial form of the hormone progesterone to confuse the body. Our periods are kickstarted by our body losing progesterone. When this happens, the womb lining sheds; this is the start of your period.

However, because period delay tablets contain progesterone, our bodies are tricked into believing it’s not time for a period. Progesterone does not drop; therefore, the womb lining will not shed, and your period will not come. As long as you continue to use the tablets, your period will be delayed.

How to Properly Take Period Delay Tablets

It is important to note that for the period delay tablets to work, it is necessary to begin taking them three days before your period. This is because progesterone will start to drop in the days leading up to your scheduled period. Taking the tablets in this time frame ensures that your period will be delayed until you choose to stop.

Those choosing this route will need to ingest the tablets three times a day; do not take more than prescribed. If you forget to take the tablets, do not take a double dose.

As mentioned, period delay tablets are only for short-term use, with officials cautioning people to use this no more than 30 days at a time.

Most people report their period beginning two to four days after getting off these tablets. However, if your period does not come as expected, contact your doctor to ensure you are not pregnant.

Can Anyone Take Period Delay Tablets?

Some health conditions prevent individuals from being able to take this prescription. Those with the following conditions may not take period delay tablets:

  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • Family or personal history of blood clots
  • History of heart attacks or angina
  • Liver problems
  • Porphyria
  • Pruritus
  • Pemphigoid gestationis
  • Those pregnant or suspect they are
  • Those breastfeeding

It is also important to speak with a doctor if you experience epilepsy, migraines, asthma, or heart or kidney issues.

This is not an all-inclusive list, so always consult with a doctor before use.

In addition to this, some medications are known to compromise the effectiveness of period delay tablets. Speak to your doctor about any medication you take, and ask if they are known to have negative impacts on the efficacy of period delay tablets.

What Are the Side Effects of Period Delay Tablets?

Unfortunately, most medications can have side effects on their users. The same is true for period delay tablets. Regularly reported side effects include the following:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Tender breasts
  • Breakthrough bleeding
  • Changes in mood
  • Changes in sex drive
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle

Other potential side effects include blood clots in the lungs or brain and Deep-Vein Thrombosis. If you experience either of these or an allergic or any other adverse reaction, seek immediate medical assistance.

Can You Get Period Delay Tablets on the NHS?

Yes, you can, but you must visit a General Practitioner who will talk you through the options available to you. If you do this, you only have to pay for the NHS prescription charge if your GP prescribes you the pills. Otherwise, you will have to pay the full price.

Wrap Up

For those looking for a way to stop their period temporarily, period delay tablets may be an ideal choice.

However, if you are looking for more long-term solutions, it would be beneficial to look into hormonal contraceptive options. With the plethora of contraception options available, finding one that works for your needs is possible.

Whichever option you choose, check with your doctor and make sure this is the right fit for you.