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Unlocking the Mystery of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, commonly referred to as ED, is a condition that impacts millions of men worldwide. It is characterized by the incapacity to achieve or sustain an erection that is satisfactory for sexual intercourse, which can have a substantial influence on a man’s self-confidence and may also lead to issues in personal relationships.

However, it is quickly losing its reputation as a condition that effects older men in their later years.

Some men in their 20s and 30s are speaking more freely about taking medication for ED issues, with a desire to guarantee performance in the bedroom. Alongside premature ejaculation, it’s one of the more common sexual disorders in men and can be easily resolved if dealt with correctly.

What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

When we look deeper into the causes of erectile dysfunction, it’s easy to see why younger men are counting on treatment to save their night of passion.

  1. Physical factors: These can include conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and low testosterone levels.
  2. Psychological factors: These can include stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems.
  3. Lifestyle-related factors: These can include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug abuse.

We typically wouldn’t associate the physical factors with a guy in their 20’s or 30’s but with the increased social demands and pressures, the stress and anxiety caused by underperforming in the bedroom is greater than ever.

Young men are working long hours or high profile jobs and may be in difficult points of their life, often bringing that baggage home with them and into the bedroom.

What are the options?

If you suffer from ED, chances are you can start your treatment without medication. Improving your diet or quitting smoking are two common ways you can start straight away.

For those that need the additional help, thankfully it’s not too far away.

Treatment such as Sildenafil, tadalafil and the more commonly known Viagra come in various strengths so that you can be confident it won’t let you down.

These can be safely prescribed online and once you have satisfied an online consultation, can be sent discreetly to your home or mailbox.

More common than you realise

In the UK, approximately 45% of men aged 30+ have experienced some form of ED at some point in their lives. According to Pfizer, the majority of current Viagra users are in their early to mid-50s.

The key difference between age groups is the necessity. Older guys may have accepted that their bodies are no longer be as highly tuned as they once were and that weakened erections were just a part of that slowing down process. Younger guys, however, have an expectation that their bodies are working correctly and that suffering with ED is somewhat of an embarrassment.

Recreational Use of Erectile Dysfunction medication

A study conducted on 1944 men in the United States found that four per cent of otherwise healthy undergraduate men reported using an ED medication at some point in their life, with 1.4% reporting current use. Recreational ED medication use was independently associated with increased age, gay or bisexual orientation, drug use, lifetime number of sex partners and lifetime number of “one-night stands”. The study found that common drugs used with Viagra included marijuana, alcohol, ecstasy, amphetamines, cocaine, and alkyl nitrates(poppers). Some of these drugs when used together can cause dangerous interactions. Here at the Family Chemist, we strongly discourage anyone from thinking these drugs are suitable for recreational use. If you’re planning on going on a night out in the hope of getting lucky, our advice is not to drink and increase your chances of putting in a good performance the natural way.

Buy cheap sildenafil or cheap tadalafil the correct way by using The Family Chemist erectile dysfunction consultation.