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Maxalt Melt 10mg Orodispersible Tablets

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Buy cheap Maxalt Melt Tablets

At The Family Chemist, we understand the debilitating nature of migraines and the need for effective relief. That’s why we offer Maxalt Melt 10mg Orodispersible Tablets, a trusted medication known for its effectiveness in treating migraines.

What is Maxalt Melt?

Maxalt Melt 10mg Orodispersible Tablets are a medication classified as a serotonin receptor agonist. They work by narrowing blood vessels in the brain and reducing inflammation, providing rapid relief from migraine symptoms.

The benefits of Maxalt Melt for migraine treatment

  • Maxalt Melt 10mg Orodispersible Tablets quickly relieve the severe pain associated with migraines.
  • Reduced sensitivity to light and sound: They help reduce sensitivity to light and sound, which are common migraine symptoms.


3 Tablets£28.99
6 Tablets£44.99
9 Tablets£64.99
Maxalt melt | Buy onlinr uk | The Family Chemist
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Maxalt Melt FAQs

Maxalt Melt’s active ingredient is Rizatriptan. Rizatriptan is a 5-HT1 agonists. They cause the blood vessels around the brain to narrow, reversing the widening of blood vessels that’s believed to be part of the migraine process.

To use Maxalt Melt, you should keep the oral lyophilisate in the blister pack, which is wrapped in an outer aluminium sachet, until just prior to dosing. Then, peel open the blister pack with dry hands, place the oral lyophilisate on your tongue, and let it dissolve before swallowing it with saliva. This medication can be used when liquids are not available, or to avoid nausea and vomiting that may accompany the ingestion of tablets with liquids. 

It is essential to take as soon as possible after the onset of a migraine attack. 

You may not experience any side effect at all however the most common side effects reported include a warm-hot sensation, tightness, tingling, flushing, drowsiness, and feelings of heaviness or pressure in areas such as the face, arms, legs and occasionally the chest. The way side-effects affect different people can vary between the different triptans. So, if one causes unpleasant side-effects, a switch to a different one may be fine. If you develop intense chest pain or sensations, you should consult a doctor immediately or go directly to the nearest accident and emergency department.

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