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Avodart (Dutasteride)

Available in 0.5mg

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Avodart, known generically as dutasteride, is a prescription medication with demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness, also called androgenetic alopecia, is a common condition that leads to hair thinning and hair loss in men. 

What is Avodart?

Avodart is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that specifically targets the hormonal cause of male pattern baldness. By reducing DHT levels in the scalp, Avodart helps slow down hair loss and promote the regrowth of thicker, healthier hair.

Benefits of Avodart for hair loss

  • Hair regrowth: Avodart has shown effectiveness in promoting hair regrowth in men with male pattern baldness.
  • Thicker hair: It can lead to an increase in hair thickness and overall hair density.
  • Slows hair loss: Avodart helps slow down the progression of male pattern baldness, preserving existing hair.


  0.5 mg
30 Tablets £34.99
60 Tablets £55.99
90 Tablets £74.99
120 Tablets £94.99
150 Tablets £109.99
180 Tablets £129.99
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Avodart (Dutasteride) FAQs

Avodart, with the generic name Dutasteride, is primarily known as a medication for an enlarged prostate. However, it’s become a beacon of hope for many battling hair loss.

Avodart works by inhibiting the production of DHT, a hormone responsible for hair thinning. By decreasing the levels of DHT, it can potentially slow down or even reverse hair loss.

Dutasteride, popularly known by its brand name Avodart, is primarily used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), but it has also gained attention for its effects on male pattern baldness. To understand how it operates, let’s delve into its mode of action.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a derivative or by-product of the male hormone testosterone. An enzyme called 5-alpha reductase converts testosterone to DHT in specific tissues, including the prostate gland and hair follicles. While DHT plays crucial roles in male biological functions, especially during fetal development and puberty, in adulthood, it can lead to issues like an enlarged prostate and hair loss. Avodart is available in 0.5mg capsules.

It is important to note the both Finasteride and Dutasteride are treatments for MEN only. Dutasteride and Finasteride should not be handled or taken by women (especially child bearing age women) due to their teratogenic side effects. 

The recommended dosage is one 0.5 mg tablet daily. Dutasteride may be taken with or without food. Three to six months of once daily treatment are required before evidence of stabilisation of hair loss can be expected. Continuous use is recommended to sustain benefit. If treatment is stopped, the beneficial effects begin to reverse by six months and return to baseline by 9 to 12 months.

Dutasteride’s primary mode of action revolves around the inhibition of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.

  1. 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibition: Dutasteride is a dual inhibitor of both Type I and Type II 5-alpha reductase enzymes. By inhibiting these enzymes, Dutasteride prevents the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

  2. Reduction of DHT Levels: With the suppression of 5-alpha reductase activity, Dutasteride significantly reduces DHT levels in the bloodstream and target tissues such as the prostate gland and scalp. This reduction  can slow down, halt, or even reverse hair loss.

A decrease in DHT levels can prevent hair follicles from shrinking, promoting healthier hair growth and potentially reversing some of the effects of male pattern baldness.

Common Side Effects of Dutasteride

Dutasteride, often recognized by its brand name Avodart, is a medication used primarily to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and, off-label, for male pattern baldness. While it can be effective in addressing these conditions, it is not without side effects. Here are the common side effects associated with Dutasteride:

  1. Decreased Libido: One of the most reported side effects, some men experience a reduced desire for sexual activity while on the medication.

  2. Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Dutasteride can lead to difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection in some men.

  3. Ejaculation Disorders: This can manifest in various ways, such as a decrease in the volume of semen during ejaculation or discomfort during ejaculation.

  4. Breast Tenderness and Enlargement: Some men have reported an enlargement of their breasts, known as gynecomastia, or tenderness in the breast area.

  5. Dizziness: A few users have experienced feelings of dizziness while taking the medication, though this is less common.

  6. Hair Growth: While this is an intended effect for those using Dutasteride for hair loss, it can be unexpected for men taking the medication solely for BPH.

  7. Rash or Allergic Reactions: In rare cases, individuals may develop a rash or have an allergic reaction to the medication.

It’s important to note that while these side effects are possible, they don’t occur in every individual taking Dutasteride. The occurrence and severity of side effects can vary based on individual factors, dosage, and duration of treatment. Furthermore, some side effects may diminish over time as the body adjusts to the medication.

If any of these side effects become particularly bothersome, persist, or are severe, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional.

You must speak to a clinician immediately if you experience a lump in your chest or breast. For full side effects please refer to the patient information leaflet.

On rare occasions seek medical attention if you experience depression, breast enlargement, tenderness, lumps, or nipple discharge, pain in the testicles. Please see more advice from the MHRA regarding potential risk of male breast cancer.

Data suggests that men who are younger who have been balding for a shorter period with smaller areas of baldness may respond to treatment sooner. However, there is no firm evidence and all responses to treatment are individual.

When used for hair loss, its effectiveness and the time it takes to see results can vary among individuals. Here’s a general timeline based on clinical studies and user experiences:

  1. Initial Response (3-6 months): Some users may start to see a reduction in hair shedding or a slight increase in hair thickness during this period. At this early stage, the most notable change might be a decrease in hair loss rather than significant regrowth.

  2. Visible Regrowth (6-12 months): After half a year to a year of consistent use, many users begin to notice more substantial hair regrowth, especially in areas where the hair thinning was more recent. The hair may appear fuller and cover previously thinning spots more effectively.

  3. Optimal Results (12-24 months): By the end of the first year and into the second year, users often observe peak results. Hair density can be noticeably improved, and areas that were once thin might show significant regrowth.

  4. Maintaining Results: After the initial two years, many users take Dutasteride to maintain the results they’ve achieved. Discontinuing the medication might lead to a gradual return of hair loss.

It’s crucial to understand that individual results can vary. Factors influencing the effectiveness of Dutasteride and the time it takes to see results include the degree of hair loss, genetics, age, and the consistency of medication use.

Additionally, Dutasteride is more potent than other common hair loss treatments, such as Finasteride. While this might lead to faster or more pronounced results for some, it could also mean a higher risk of side effects.

Regular consultation with a dermatologist or a trichologist is recommended while using Dutasteride for hair loss. They can monitor progress, offer insights based on individual cases, and provide guidance on continuing or adjusting the treatment.

Hair loss may occur due to an underlying cause. Patients should visit the GP if they suffer from the following as treatment of the underlying cause normally allow hair to regrow:

  • Any profound shedding or rapid onset of hair loss
  • Absent or reduced eyebrows or eyelashes
  • Inflammation, papules or pustules, scaling or scarring of the scalp
  • Severe infection, iron deficiency or hypothyroidism
  • Some medication such as antidepressants or anticoagulants
  • Change in diet or rapid weight loss
  • Patients who are planning to father a child should consider to stop treatment.

Regaine (Minoxidil) is readily available over the counter from pharmacies.

Avodart is a  prescription only medicine and can only be prescribed by a clinician. Unfortunately, all hair loss treatments are not available to prescribe from the NHS and therefore GPs will charge for a private consultation and a prescription. You will also pay for the medication from a pharmacy. However The Family Chemist clinician can prescribe Finasteride (Propecia), dutasteride (Avodart) and Regaine free of charge and only charge for the medicines and have it delivered to you in 24 hours.

Minoxidil vs. Avodart You’ve likely heard of Minoxidil. So, how does Avodart stack up? While Minoxidil is applied topically, Avodart is taken orally. Some believe Avodart may be more effective in the long run, but it’s a bit like comparing apples and oranges. Both have their merits. You can also purchase Minoxidil in tablet form and use with Dutasteride for a dual action effect. 

Finasteride vs. Avodart Finasteride, another DHT inhibitor, is similar to Avodart. However, some studies suggest Avodart might be slightly more potent. It’s a bit like choosing between a regular coffee and an espresso; both can give you that caffeine kick, but one might be a tad stronger.

No, It is not recommended for women, especially those who are pregnant or may become pregnant.

No. If you stop using Avodart, any newly regrown hair may be lost, and you could return to your previous hair loss pattern.

Avodart targets the hormonal cause of hair loss by inhibiting DHT production, whereas many over-the-counter products focus on strengthening existing hair or promoting a healthy scalp.

The effectiveness of Avodart in treating hair loss varies from person to person. Some individuals may experience significant regrowth and thickening of hair, while others may see only modest improvements. It’s essential to set realistic expectations when considering this medication.

Clinical Studies. Several clinical studies have examined the use of Avodart for hair loss. These studies have shown promising results, with many participants experiencing a reduction in hair loss and an improvement in hair density. However, long-term use may be required to maintain these results.

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